Embracing the Balance

I’ve posted some new images in the Lightbox today with a theme on balance. There are a lot of photographic ‘rules’ out there that deal with symmetry and balance in composing an image and they generally work and hold true. I think each of us are hardwired to respond to a certain visual balance the same way. It generally finds its way into our art, the buildings we inhabit, and our dinner plate (the balanced meal). I love a good balanced shot and am a sucker for symmetrical lines found in architecture and nature. However, as much as I think we are all drawn to this balance, once and a while, breaking the rules in photography can make masterpieces.

Well they may not be masterpieces, but I’ve compiled some shots together that explore balance, either on purpose or in thought. Unbelievably, there’s actually a color photo in the bunch as well. I hope you enjoy them.

The Lightbox Share for this post is the compilation of images which can be found here.


2 Replies to “Embracing the Balance”

  1. Nice work, Jonathan. While composing some images, I struggle with deciding to go with symmetrical or controlled chaos. When in enough doubt, I just shoot both. I have to admit, it was a bit jarring to see that color shot pop up while browsing these images. 🙂

    1. Thanks Tom! I really appreciate it!

      I agree about shooting both for sure. Sorry the color image was a shocker. At least I gave a warning 🙂

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