It’s Happening…

We’ll here we go. My first post.  I’m not sure yet if this will be the first of many or few, but here it is in all it’s glory.  I’ve setup several websites over the years and always had a chuckle when I saw the sample post for new WordPress installations   entitled “Hello World!…”  Well now it feels very real.

So I’m not sure yet how this site will really be used.  I needed a space to park my growing portfolio as I progress down this never ending path of photography, a landing page for my current clients, and drumming up new business never hurts.

I think I’m also getting around to this because it’s January and cold outside.  Cold enough to make me hunker down in my comparatively warm basement and get this site together. I hope sometime, a couple years from now, I’ll be able to look at this site with some fondness (and probably a dash of embarrassment here and there) as a historical log of my journey and hopefully improvement in photography, versus looking back with regret at lost opportunities or a life that got too busy. My hope for this blog is to document projects that I work on or things I find interesting in the world of photography.  I’ll also try to post a pic (my own or share one that I love) with each post.

So here I am then in full black and white.

The lightbox share for this post comes from my street photography teacher Arthur Gorniak.  He has an amazing series called ‘Travelers Without Luggage” at Below is an fantastic image from the series. I encourage you to check out his work.

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