Camden Camera

The South.  There’s something calming and restful to me in those words. I grew up in Florida, and even though many people may not think of Florida as part of the South, I can assure you that Florida exists well south of the Mason-Dixon line. A couple weeks ago, we (my wife, kids and I) were visiting family who live just outside of Camden, South Carolina.  Since I’m labeling here, Florida being in the South, I would consider Camden part of the Deep South. The difference measured in the increased ratio of churches per square mile and quality of barbecue.  For me, a transplanted southerner (ok so for those that know me, this may be a bit of a stretch, but lets pretend for the sake of this post), one aspect of the South is that there is a type of southern grace that exists, a sense of place where life seems to slow down a couple notches and folks say ‘Hi’ at the grocery store. Camden has this in spades.

I was able to steel a couple of hours during our visit and go take some shots of Camden with my daughter. My intent was to capture this character of southern grace, not so much in an individual shot, but through a series of shots which taken as whole would speak more clearly. In my mind, using homes and churches as the subject represents the foundation of the South, the origin of what defines the South. This was the intent. What I ended up with however is really up to you.

The Lightbox Share for this post is a shot from the project. To view the entire project, you can find it here.

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